
Transport & Highways

ASCON Engineering Company offers technical solutions for road construction projects for the government, commercial, industries and NGO’s plus individual clients home accesses. Our engineer experts are specialized in Gravel roads, Low Cost Seals and Asphalt Concrete designs and construction works as well as supervision and management.

We have experienced expertise in the design and implementation of;

  • Rehabilitation of gravel roads.
  • Construction of gravel seals roads.
  • Construction of Asphalt concrete roads.
  • Construction of bridges.
  • Construction box and pipe culverts.
  • Construction of railways lines.
  • Airport and marines.
  • Road markings and painting.

We also have expertise in consultancy services of;

  • Design of Infrastructural Elements.
  • Preparation of Works contract documentation.
  • Route planning, economic analysis and feasibility studies.
  • Network investment and maintenance studies.
  • Network planning and project identification studies.
  • Integrated Transport Master Planning.
  • Infrastructural Planning.
  • Contracts administration.
  • Construction supervision.